A site dedicated to the trolls, leavers, inters, and anyone else who otherwise gave up.


Got angry and went AFK. When he was asked not to go AFK he ran it down mid into the enemy team multiple times. All while yelling into all chat that the enemy should end the game. 6/2/2021 (USA DATES BTW)

Banned? Nope. No gaps in gameplay for 3 months.



Got outjungled so hard by a Jax that he sat in the base moving around fountain to avoid being kicked for AFK. Was marked AFK anyway (actual good job riot). BONUS: The enemy Ashe told us to open our base or he would not report our AFK. 6/2/2021

Banned? Nope. No gaps in gameplay for 3 months.

Enemy Ashe banned? Nope. No gaps in gameplay for 3 months.

Additional note: Level 37 account with around 100 ranked games 51% winrate high silver. Probably someone made an alt only to be proven that elo hell doesn't exist only lack of skill.



Additional notes

Kindred: 0/8 games won. 6/8 games toxic. 5/8 games gapped. 2/8 games positive KDA. 3/8 games KP over 50%.

I hate Kindred. Kindred ruins games. Kindred never wins games. Kindred never carries when ahead. Kindred always saves the enemy. Kindred is a horrible champion. The only reason I do not dodge 100% of Kindred games is because I want to show these stats. If you play Kindred you should quit LoL and go play Furcadia. /rant